Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dear dairy,

hav not ritten u for daze. i was busy tinking abot geting smart.charlie gordon did the operashaun and now his eye-q is 204.smarter than me.y is he so luky but i must become dumb 4 my hole live. i also wantid to did the operashawn but charlie says i lak motorvition so i was not chose. i tink i must write more so i hav motorvition lik charlie does. than mayby doctor straws and doctor nimor might chose me. charlie gordon tells me tat i must write progris report on top.i will try awful hard so i hav motorvition.

bye bye dairy wish me guud luk

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well,after comments from two of my good buddies,I decided to stop using slang and "colourful language". Don't you think that the mentally challenged person's diary was cool?
Dear dairy,

2day is n evenful day for me. today i saw sombody at a restraunt hu has the same eye-q like me.the ownr of the restraunt told me he is stupid wif onli eye-q of 50. i got some water in my ice n felt vrey sad n angry. here is wat happpened

when i was at the restraunt, i was q-ing up for my tern and i couldnt fin my wellet. the boy came to me and says wat r u finding i help u fin. then he reach into my pocet and try and try and try but cannt fin anythin.the owner say u stupid dont do that then slap him. then he say sorry tto me.

i feel vrey sad tat ppl r bad towards dumb pepul . i hope tat they can be guud to dumb pepul and dont bolly them. i hav a frien calld charlie gordion he is smarter than me bcas he hav 68 eye-q.he say pepul also treat him badly.i dont understand y pepul do tat.we r guud pepul. pepul should treat us guud. i feel so hopeless bcas i onli hav 1 frien but other pepul hav alot and everyone i c always laff at me. do i look dumb. i feel vrey sad so i will close today.

bye bye dairy

Monday, January 19, 2009 was too short. I think i left out some key points too...zzzzzzzzzzz i change it 2morrow lar
Now for the hot topics... hem hem

Good morning everyone,I'm from the SPCA and I'm here to talk about the decreasing population of the whales. Whaling has increased by a large percentage over the last few years thus severely endangering the whales. The reasons for whaling are:

--provides food for the hungry
--blubber can be used to make cosmetics
--blubber can also be used to make oil
--it is a huge tourist attraction

Although whaling has many good points, we should not make the biggest mammal on Earth extinct. For girls, please cut down on the useless cosmetics.For "wider" people, please cut down on the oil. Many small steps make a big difference, I hope that together, we will try as hard as we can to stop whaling.

My speech has come to an end. Thank you for your attention.(clap)
whoa...i just completed the wushu "torture". Seriously, i admire Xavior for how could withstand the tough training. i think im going to put it as 1st choice and put weiqi 2nd. but my mother disagrees...lolz. she wants me to put weiqi as 1st choice and put wushu 2nd.Im afraid that the wushu ppl wont let me in if i put it as 2nd choice.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

i preparing for the debate.alamak very unfortunate. yesterday i thought i do liao but i go n do the sec 2 debate by accident.redo lor,now then finish.dun be careless lyke my hor.oh yeah,i also left my file at the language centre when go jap.all my homework inside leh! i die liao.mrs Ann kill 4 sure lor...i damn scared leh...i think i better get the questions and do on fullscalp...argh!!!!!!!!help!!!!and i fail the table tennis trial,canoeing also very lousy.i can only depend on wushu now.wahhhh!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i juz read dr hons message on the emb...about serangoon gardens sec school making their students sing the national anthem over and over of the students complained about it and uploaded a video showing the students singing the national anthem repeatedly.i personally think that it is actually a waste of time as singing the national anthem once is enough and they already have limited time for studying or other activites.however, that does not mean that the student should not sing the national anthem with pride.singapore is an extremely pleasant and safe place to live in. we should not take it for granted but should work hard when you are still younger and when u grow older,serve the society well.
phew... finally completed the canoeing trials. we had 2 run 1.2km,do push ups and sit ups and try out some of the stuff in the weights room. the 1.2 was especially tiring since i hadnt jogged for about 4 months.the worst thing is,this is only the land trial.there is still the water trials around 1.2 timing was 7min 15s. noob eh! 6min is the desired grade.almost no chance to join the team...sad.well then maybe i can focus on other non-elite sports like badminton and table tennis.oh yeah, im going for the table tennis trials 2morrow

Monday, January 12, 2009

phew... sec school life is definitely much more demanding than primary school life...lazy people like my brother surely cannot cope with the stress. u wanna know how lazy my brother is?read on!

just before the exams, my brother would study(actually just playing with his books) 4 30min & make it sound like he did 2 h of really hard work and than had a long break of 5 h. when i reprimanded him,he said," but im afraid of ghosts!" i shook my head in disbelief and he was like,"really!really! i everyday hear something or someone hammering on the wall.sounds like ghosts!" i said in exasperation," u didnt notice that our neighbours house is undergoing construction?" than he said,"u so pro u do homework here alone lar!" how did he think i can come to hwa chong if i everyday do homework in a noisy place. i also did my homework alone in one room alone wat? wats wrong wif him? i decided that i would leave him to his own fate.............................................
BUT... wif my mothers help, he managed 2 scrape a good grade for his eoy exams.i dun believe it! but that shows that he has brains,but he doesnt want to use long as he works hard, he can definitely get 270< 4 his psle lor. so, if u noe someone hu is lazy, dun scold him" stupid!idiot! hopeless!" wat he nids is motivation. try to persuade him to work hard. if he still doesnt change that lousy attitude, try to reward him wif something if he passes the target mark set 4 him(but thats 4 his parents to do hor) if he still wont change, maybe u can consider the 3 words.
haha...this is my e-portfolio 2 publish ACE projects. 2 the events in class...

Once,the treasurer in our class needed to collect some money for some strange reason and when our form teacher asked him when he would collect the money. he said he would do it later.when the form teacher suddenly asked him where the name list was, he looked stumped than said "er, i left it at home."oh man! how can we trust him in future with our precious money!? when people lie, they think its a small matter.but when their lie get exposed, they end up telling more lies 2 cover up the first small lie and so on .its like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. the more it rolls, the more snow it from this incident, i learned not to tell lies.(no offense to the treasurer but i got nothing else 2 write)
hi everyone i juz created a new blog.Only one post ... but nvm it will grow. 3 cheers 4 my developing blog!!

Friday, January 9, 2009