Monday, March 30, 2009

hi all.i have something to post.

Last saturday and sunday,i went to a weiqi competition( for retards who dont know that im taking 2 ccas:wushu and weiqi), and...well...dont ask about the result. after the competition, my mum asked me to take MRT home and she asked me if it was raining. I punched in "no".

after the message was sent...i heard...

"BOOM!" This flash of lightning made me want to kick something. I could vividly remember the last time i got caught in a rain,i had a high fever for a offense to ms mattews, but i dont want history to decided to wait until the rain stops. wat was really unexpected was :

Try and guess....dont peek at the answer....

do u really have to look?fine i'll tell u. he came and offered me his umbrella. i refused because i was wearing my school uniform(who expects a hci student to trouble somone else).he said it didint matter he had alot of spare time to i followed him across the road under his umbrella.i didnt get wet at all but the kind man did.after i crossed the road, he bade farewell to me and i thanked him politely.he said,"no problem. just past on the good deed,will you?"

i didnt know wat he meant.anyone pls help me?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My retarded MSG

Well, I got my results back. My parents are not very happpy with my results(expected lar). What was not expected is that I was not scolded. My father thinks that I am too old to be scolded( I totally agree) and he just talked to me on how to help me improve my grades. For example, my IS is damn retarded, so my father is going to bring me to his office during the holidays and let one of his subordinates give me some lessons. The others... I'll have to solo it. I think that my problem is not able to manage my time properly. I'll have to write a timetable and follow it. Good luck to me. jyjy!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Whoa...I don't believe that Ms Soh would do 1 whole lesson on Naruto. Anyway,i better try and write something insightful before

I'll write about Naruto then...He is a determinded person to the extent of being stubborn. He had no parents since he was young and he craved for attention since no one cared for him until Umino Iruka acknowledges him. Iruka had lost his parents during the invasion of the Nine-tailed demon fox, or the Kyuubi and he grew up vieing for attention. Naruto had the Kyuubi sealed inside him by the 3rd Hokage and although he was the only vessel to trap the Kyuubi, the villagers saw him as the demon itself and everybody hated him. Thus Naruto grew up lonely, friendless and determined to make his mark one day as the greatest hokage so everybody would acknowledge him. He also has a secret crush on Sakura. But Sakura loves Sasuke, who hates her, and hates Naruto, who loves her. That is one of the reasons why naruto and Sasuke became fierce rivals .