Monday, March 30, 2009

hi all.i have something to post.

Last saturday and sunday,i went to a weiqi competition( for retards who dont know that im taking 2 ccas:wushu and weiqi), and...well...dont ask about the result. after the competition, my mum asked me to take MRT home and she asked me if it was raining. I punched in "no".

after the message was sent...i heard...

"BOOM!" This flash of lightning made me want to kick something. I could vividly remember the last time i got caught in a rain,i had a high fever for a offense to ms mattews, but i dont want history to decided to wait until the rain stops. wat was really unexpected was :

Try and guess....dont peek at the answer....

do u really have to look?fine i'll tell u. he came and offered me his umbrella. i refused because i was wearing my school uniform(who expects a hci student to trouble somone else).he said it didint matter he had alot of spare time to i followed him across the road under his umbrella.i didnt get wet at all but the kind man did.after i crossed the road, he bade farewell to me and i thanked him politely.he said,"no problem. just past on the good deed,will you?"

i didnt know wat he meant.anyone pls help me?


  1. He meant that you should do the same and help out other people that you see are in need of help.

  2. Hi Zhan Yi,

    I must say, the spirit of this person is indeed commendable. I mean like, who would so willingly offer an umbrella to a complete stranger?

    And, it was rather brave of you to except the offer as I personally would not have as this is the psychological barrier in y heart which kind of causes me to think badly of a person's kind intentions, especially if he is a stranger. I would be like 'Why is he so kind? Any ulterior motives?'

    Well, it was nice reading this post.

    Foo Foo :)
