Saturday, June 6, 2009

My 1st semester as a Secondary 1 student

My 1st semester as a sec 1 student has been a...erm...not what I expected it to be. After I had chosen my school, and found out that I was successful in my application, I spent a lot of time dreaming about how school life would be. In my fantasies, I imagined that after dismissal, I could just go home and play online games or read a book. There was little or no homework at all. As for my third language, which is Japanese, I thought that it would be very easy and I could past all tests with flying colours. I thought that I would acheive excellent grades in every term. However, I was utterly wrong. Everyday, we were given tons of homework. The lessons were tough and demanding. And there was something called ACE(stands for something, I forgot) and OP( oral participation). It is 10% of over End-of-year examination which means that it would be directly adding the ACE and OP into our EOY score. That's amazing! A friend of mine, who is a sec 3 now, said that he screwed up his sec 1 EOY with an MSG of 1.67. I couldn't believe my ears.1.67? I would give anything to be like him. No wonder he said that. The ACE and OP makes everything much easier. Besides the lessons, there are also CCA. It is compulsory to have a CCA in HCI, whether you like it or not. I chose Wushu and Weiqi.
But I couldn't seem to be able to manage my time properly. That's why my MSG was 4 for term 1. Well in term 2, my MSG was 3( not acceptable, but luckily I improved, otherwise I would have to eat a cane for my dinner). Anyway, my Wushu training only ends at 7 o'clock and by the time I get back home, and had my dinner, and took a bath, it is already 8 o'clock.So I have very little time to do my homework or revise for my tests. But in term 2, I learned to manage my time properly.Wushu ends late, but it starts late too, at 4 o'clock. So before Wushu starts, I could finish my work at school. Then when I get home, I revise what I've learned today or what is going to be tested tommorow. And so...I improved. Next term, I will aim for an MSG of 2!

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